Thursday, January 21, 2010

HNT #1

Ok, I can not believe I am doing this. LOL. HNT is Half nekid Thursday. So after being bugged and pestered to join in by my friend, I shall. lol. Damn peer pressure. Also it has been raining like crazy. I LOVE THE RAIN. So far it has rained atleast 70% of the day since Monday. I love it.

I let my friend choose the picture and she editted it. BLAH. I will most likely come back in and reedit the photo later. You can see the necklace that Hubby got me for XMas. YAY.


Anonymous said...

Your braver than I would ever be! ;)

Fallen Star said...

Damn Peer Pressure and me not being able to turn down a Dare. Grrrr

Anonymous said...
