Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Got this in an Email, Decided to post it here

Intimate Details

1. Ideal amount of sex per week? Atleast once a day. Me and Hubby don't hit this Ideal amount, but we try, but with two toddlers and work and school, it's hard.

2. Ever had an online affair? No. I have had online Boyfriends when I was a teen and they were very interesting relationships.

3. Are you a member of the mile high club? Not yet.

4. What constitutes bad sex? Hmmm, I'd say being forced for sure. Umm Maybe when neither of you get any pleasure out of it.

5. Can females ejaculate? Can you? Yes and Yes

6. Have an affair and your partner catches you or your partner have an affair and you catch him/her? Well seeing as Hubby has had an affair (with Hookers) and I didn't catch him and seeing as I am horrible at lying. I guess I'd prefer him to have the affair again.

7. Have better sex or more money? Money, cause our sex life is very amazing.

8. Be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know the future? Read minds for sure. lol

9. Your partner have sex with someone else or fall in love with someone else? The sex. Yeah I can't stand him to fall in love with someone else (Outside of our Poly relationship).

10. A relaxing vacation or an adventurous trip? The adventurous trip.

11. Get a perfect nights sleep or have amazing sex? SLEEP. LOL.

12. Be intimate with the lights on or off? either or. Doesn't change much in our room.

13. Date someone much younger or much older than you? Older.

14. On a scale of 1-10, how good was your 2009? I'd say it was a 7.

15. What are your favorite/naughtiest/sexiest/most fun 2009 memories? Way too many to name. I'll have to write another post about this later.

16. What do you want to change in 2010? Focus more on school.

17. Do you prefer to give or receive? I LOVE to give, but ever since being with Hubby, I want want want want.

18. What is your favorite part of a partner's body? I love LOVE Hubby's lips. Mmmm

19. Which reality show would you be good at? Why? Amazing Race. Cause It's an adventurous trip and I would love to just have the chance. My younger BIL and me might try out in the next few years.

20. Would you ever star in a Porn, be a Stripper, or be a Hooker/Escort? Porn maybe, Stripper Sure, but Hooker/escort is a maybe lending toward no. I mean if I was gonna be a Hooker or escort, I'd be the type where it was just for show. You know, need a hot date to make people jealous, but she doesn't fuck you or anything. lol

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