Ok, So I'm not all updating daily or weekly. I will update or post when I want too. It is my BLog afterall and I should be able to do as I please, when I please.
This isn't so much a Poly BLog as it is a Heather BLog.
`Is Poly included? Yes, because Poly is apart of my life and I am Heather.
`Do I care what you think? I respect your view on a subject, but I will not tolerate anyone trying to push their views on me or demand that their view is right. Everyone has there own mind and free will, Everyone is entitled to their own view.
`Am I worried that people will find out where I live and then come harass me? Nope, You want my phone number or address, ask and I DARE you to come harass me. I live in a town where I know the people that won't think twice about beating the shit out of someone for looking at them wrong. I have family that are on the wrong side of the law. AND I was in the Army, I have a sniper shot.... So Yeah.
`Do you mind curse words and such? I don't mind at all, unless you are using the words to harass or name call someone. If you want to call me a bitch, then we have a problem, but if you use the word like I have in the other question, thats fine.
`What do your children think? They are too young to really think or realize and when they are old enough to do so, I will listen and talk to them about any and everything they want too address. My children are my world and I will kill for them. So do not drag my children into the mud or I swear I will become the worst mother bear in the world and rip you a new asshole or two.
`Will you talk about sex? Maybe, Maybe Not. I might say "we had sex last nite" and then again I might go into detail and all. You never know.
For all you grammar Nazis or spelling freaks and so on. I'm sorry. I don't really care about grammar or spelling or punctuation and so on. I just type what my heart and head are yelling for me to do. So Yes I will use the wrong word. I will say There instead of Their or so on. I will have run on sentances and I will misuse caps and periods. By all means if you'd like to fix my mistakes, feel free too, but don't scream at me or call me stupid, cause I am far from stupid.
I don't really care what people think or want to know. Feel free to ask questions, but don't assume that I will care if you think I'm wrong. I do say I am an Open Book and that I like to spill my words and show myself, but I do reserve the right to shut and lock my book at anytime.
I'm not forcing you to read anything, so don't bash me for my beliefs or views. Don't harass anyone that comments, even if they are bashing. Don't feed the trolls.
`Are you religious? Nope. I was raised Christian and abit Catholic, But at this time I rather worship a Flying Spaghetti Monster. I do own a Bible and I love to read it, but I don't really take anything I read too serious. I was a Practicing Wicca Witch. I do still tend to my roots of Wicca, but at the same time I don't claim it as my set religion. I basically live with my life with the Golden Rule, which I learn in Wicca. "Treat others as you want to be Treated. What ever you do will come back to do 3 folds." Which means If I do something bad, Something bad times 3 will come back to me. If I do good, then I get goodness back times 3. It is the same rule I am teaching my children. When the times comes, my children are free to choose their own religion and I will support it completely.
`So you worship the devil? Nope. I was a member of the Church of Satan at one time during my teens, but it was more for the thrill of saying I was a member. It was a learning experience and I rather not relive that, not that its wrong, but it wasn't for me.
`Your going to Hell! Thanks hope to see you there and maybe we can have a chat about judging people before I continue on my merry way out of hell. :-P
That was all just a few questions and comments I have been asked in the past, figured I'd add them here so I don't get asked again. lol
Peace and Love
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