So.... I'm not really sure what to write and how to start this, So I guess perhaps an introduction of sorts.....
My name is Heather and I was born on October 4th in 1983. I had a bunch of up and down and drama in my early life. My father, I call him Bio-Dad, never claimed me and didn't really care. He's not even named on my birth certificate. My mother was a mess herself, She still is kinda. My mother is a control-freak to the max and abit of a drama queen, She always has to make everything about herself. Anyways, Umm She had me while living with her friend's parents and on Wel-Fare. My older sister (alittle over a year older) was put for adoption and adopted by my Maternal Grandparents. Mom kept me cause well, I still don't know why and really wish she hadn't kept me. Anyways, lol, Mom ended up falling for her friends' uncle who she married after she had a baby with him. They were together for alittle over 3 years before my sister, Raye, was born and then they married a month later. My Step-Dad, who I call Dad, took care of me and raised me as his daughter, even to this day. Dad had a son who is about 6 years older then me, who was in foster care til he was about 4 and then adopted by dad's parents. Dad couldn't take him cause dad had a prison record and the mom was a wacko in a psyco ward. LOL. My brother (Step-Bro) is my best friend sometimes and most often my mentor. My brother, Nathan, isn't the best mentor ever, but damnit He has always been there for me. I'll get into that later.
My childhood was full of Drama and Drugs and just horror. I witnessed many drive by shootings and murders and drug deals during my early years, Things a toddler should never witness. Needless to say, my view of innocences in this world was destroyed before I knew what it was. My own Step-Dad, Bio-Dad, and Mom were druggies. Mom quit when my sister was born and she quit for us, cause she rather be a sober mother, then a drugged out mom. My Bio-Dad had moved on and started a family with a lady named Tracy. They had a daughter and two sons, which I love dearly and have only seen a handful of times, the last time I saw them was when I was 12 at my Bio-Dad's service.... Oh Yeah, Bio-Dad decided to play Russian Roulette while high and drunk and just plain DUMB. He did this 8 days after my 12th birthday. By the way, I had only seen him about 4 or so times. His sister and mother are my saving graces and two of the best people and mother figures in my life. They have always been there for me since I was born. Step-Dad spent tons of time in Prison or Rehab or wacked out on Meth. Mom spent her time sitting on the couch watching TV and collecting her wel-Fare checks. I grew up with my sister Raye as my only sibling in the home. I do however have 3 brothers and 3 sisters total. Nathan(Step), Amber(Mom), ME, Sarah(Bio), Raye(Mom), Scottie(Bio), and Josh(Bio).
ANYWAYS, Hmmm, Lets see.... When I was 3 I broke my right arm really bad. The two lower bones, clean in half. One of the bones was actually sticking through a few layers of skin and was almost completely sticking out. I didn't cry or anything, I was more upset that I had skinned my knee and I told my mom I had fell and hurt my knee, She said it was fine and was gonna go back inside when she saw my arm all deformed and swollen. She was 8 months pregnant with Raye and completely freaked out. Once at the hosiptal we were told to wait in chairs, but my Step-Dad decided I needed medical attention NOW and forced his way into the back with me in his arms. He placed me on the nearest bed and grabbed the nearest doctor and demanded they work on me now. As they tried to set the bones back in place, I decided to kick, punch, bite, and cuss out every nurse or doctor that touched me. I broke a nurses nose and bit the doctor. My Step-Dad and his mother had to hold me down, seeing as the nurses refused too. When I was 5, I jumped off a brick wall into a pile of broken bottles and needles and grabage. I sliced my Left Palm up really bad, an older friend said to hold my hand above my head and run home, I did and when I got to my mom, I was covered in my own blood head to toe. Got a bunch of stitches and blood. When I was about 7 I cracked my head open, then a month later I did it again. Around the time I was 9, I destroyed my right knee in a Bike accident which to this day causes swelling and pain.
Alittle back tracking, When I was about 2 my Step-Dad's Dad took me out of my front yard to go to the store. He didn't tell anyone, so when my mom saw I was gone she thought I was kidnapped. Cops, Dogs, the whole works were called in to find me. When we got back a few hours later, the cops and Grandma procedded to yell and scold Grandpa. Speaking of Grandpa, Him and Grandma raised Nathan and there other grandson Brian (Brian's Dad died when he was little, drug overdoes/Heart Attack, and then his mom (Their daughter) died a year later from same thing basically). When I was about 10, a white van would follow me as I walked home from school or to school. Then one day the driver of the van decided to stop and make a grab for me, I ran and passed a group of gang members, would stopped me and asked me why I was screaming and running. I told them and lets just say, Street Justice was severed. You don't mess with the kids in a gangs neighborhood, escepically when that kid happeneds to be like a daughter to the leader. Heh. I owe them, lets call them the "Blues", alot for my safety during my childhood, but at the same time, because of them I witnessed many drive by shootings and even had to duck and cover in my yard from them. I remember a group of us kids following a blood trail the day after to see a dead body.
Mom and Dad had their problems, dad was always in trouble and mom was sick of it. They both are guilty of cheating on each other and hurting each other. Mom even had her much younger boyfriend live with us while Dad went off and lived with some chick who was his dealer. Around this time I had met and befriended a younger boy in my neighborhood, who became a brother to me. My mom actually took him in for about a year while his mom was in jail. lol. To this day, Danny, is my brother and always remains as so.
For a control freak, my mother didn't control me til I was in my Teens. I was home schooled basically and had no friends, I escaped into a world online. I graduated from HS and joined the Army. Finally I escape my mother. LOL. I suffered what was called Post Termactic Stress Disorder and was discharged with PTSD and Depression, Also I had treated to hurt myself. I returned home and forgot my dream (I always wanted to be in the military....). I am proud to say that while I was in the Army, I was top of my class. I was a sniper shot and overall an amazing solider. When I got home, I went and started working at Taco Bell, This is where my life really became MY LIFE.
I worked my way to manager and basically ran the night shift and was the one the employees hung out with and trusted. I kept my whole online life and ment an ass of a man who basically helped me get out of my shell, but at the same time I experimented with drugs.... yay.... I met my Soul-Mate online and we are happily married and have two daughters. I went through a tough time where I was a cutter, a bad cutter.... I was never addicted to drugs and didn't do them much expect for the one or two times of experimenting. Anyways, back to now....
I am married to my soul-mate, Christian. We have two little girls and we are extremely happy together. Christian has always believed in polygamy and well I have always believed that men can never stay faithful. So I guess in a way I believe in polygamy, Its just I'm a bitch and don't like to share, LOL. I have come to terms with what he wants and realized that I too want it, but I want it for me. I want a wife and a husband.... I'm Bi-Sexual and I want the best of both worlds, just means I'd share my wife with my husband and my husband with my wife. LOL. Christian agrees and looks forward to it, typically guy, lol. We've also talked and he agrees that I am top bitch and I call the shots when it comes to a second wife, I am basically head of wives. I know really bitchy move and mean, but if you know me, then you'd know I'm fair and a push over. I just like to be the leader, not the follower.
Well.... I guess thats the start and here I am now in a search for the thrid in our marriage. The next to hold my heart. I don't know what I'll find at the end, but I'm ready for the ride.
1 comment:
Your story is so heartbreaking except you go through it all and are trying to make a good life for yourself. It's like when you could get control of your life you did and you made some good choices. Let the old life go and start your new life today. My old life was not as bad as yours but it was still something to get over and leave behind.
I hope you and your husband find a special person you both can love and who can love both of you and your wonderful children.
You will be in my prayers.
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