So I'm in school for nursing and for my degree I have to take a bunch of classes. This is my third semester and I'm amazed at how smart I can be. I always believed my mother when she would tell me how stupid I was or so on. I never really tried in school or did my best, I did the minimal to pass and get out of school as fast as I could. Because of all that, My math skills suck, my vocabulary and grammar and spelling is just not at the level it should be. I've taken actually IQ test, administered by professionals and I am at a Genius level. In the Army I was given a battery of test and again, I was in the Genius level. I'm a Genius, I'm extremely street smart and full of talent. At a young age, I had invisible friends and was full of creativity.... Actually I still have an invisible friend and I'm still very creative. Don't tell anyone. LOL.
With going to college and actually having my husband support me and tell me I'm smart and be proud of me when I get an A on a Math Test, WOW. I'm focused on school and doing my very best and I'm seeing the results I know I can get, but instead of Junior High and High school and not getting the praise I crave, I'm getting it now. Hearing my husband is proud of me and him actually tell me how well I did and instead of calling me stupid for a mistake, he'll take the time to explain it and make me feel smart. The Last and Only time my mother has every told me she was proud of me, was when I was in the Army and it was only one time. My husband tells me he loves me and he's proud of me, everyday atleast once, but more often he says it all the time. His mother never said she loved him or she was proud of him, it was always you can do better, So I always let him know I love him, Our daughters love him, and that he is doing amazing. I'm sure in the future I will get more into this all.
I'm taking Psychology this semester and instead of a final exam, we have to write a 9 page paper on ourselves and the Psych disorders and therapies that made us who we are today. Like Phobias, not having proper adult figures to learn from, and so on. So with this assignment, it's gonna open new doors for myself and urge me to discovery who I am, what made me who I am. I'm looking forward to this, even though half my classmates are already complaining about it. I already know that I will speak about my OCD, my undiagnosed BiPolar tendencies, My Phobias and Fears, The fact that I am afraid of a strong supportive relationship with a man, My insecurities with myself and life, My Depression, My issues with my father's death, and so much more.
Two things: The fear of a strong relationship with a man. My husband knows my past, there is no secrets between us. He knows that every relationship I have been in or seen others in have been drama and abusive. He knows that the women in my family seem to be cursed with well the men leaving them, cheating on them, or hurting them. I often pick fights with him over the smallest issue and usually they spiral out of control and he feels like he can't do it no more, but he always recovers and hugs me. I hate that I hurt him so much when I do this, it makes me want to cut myself again, but that hurts him so much more. More on that later, maybe
Oh yes Sex.... No its not gonna be all Steamy and X Rated. Moreless I have issues with Sex. I have only been with one other man, besides my husband. I lost my virginity in March of 05 and Met my husband November of 05. I lost my virginity to an Asshole, who got me to experiment with drugs and just not be me. Sure he helped me get away from my mother's controlling eye, but he just led me down a dark road. I met my husband online, on Myspace. Yes, I know. OMG. lol. We were friends first and we did tons of things together as friends and getting to know each other. I first had sex with my husband in January of 06 and by April of 06, a year after losing my virginity, I was pregnant. Things went fast, but it worked for us cause we loved each other and everyday we love each other more and more.
My husband would love for me to be more open and more sexual, but its hard for me. He has been with over 15 girls before we got together and about 4 girls while we have been together. Yes I get SO jealous of him being with other girls and it sometimes starts a fight, but I get jealous cause I'm worried he'll leave me, even tho. he has swore he would never leave me. I'm working on getting over it and being more accepting. I rather the woman we allow to join us, be with me also. I'm positive if we share the woman I won't be faced with the fear, cause its sharing us all together and not just sharing one of us. I'll get into that much more much later, trust me.
But anyways, my husband wants me to be a sex demon, a nymph and I honestly want to be like that. I do, but I get started and then I stop and clam up and let him continue and follow him. I'm getting better at opening up more and telling him what I want and need. I do plan to include this in my paper for psych.
Well, I think thats it for now, I'm gonna end this post now.
1 comment:
I understand how you feel about trusting men. Its been a difficult road for me especially since my ex abused me physically and sexually. However, Antony helped me recover from my fears. I'v been married to him now for over 10 years. Before I married he and Jadez, sex hurt me with my ex. In the beginning of my marriage to Antony, my fears allowed me to feel pain vaginally. However, Antony helped me through it amd was so patient. He says that now I am a sex goddess. LOL!
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