My son was born, finally. We ended up inducing due to decrease movement and erratic heartbeat that worried our doctor. Baby is fine and scored 8 out of 8 on all testing and such. He's such an easy baby. He sleeps, eats, and pees/poops. Thats it. He only cries when he's hungry or wet and thats it. He wakes twice a night on schedule, 4am and 7am. We usually go to bed around 1am and are out of bed by 8am. I remember with my girls, they would just cry for no reason and then I had PPD really bad, so I'd cry too. Then I had the blood infection after my second daughter and was in the hospital again. This time around it's easier and more relaxed. Although I almost bled out after delivering him, enough to freak my doctors out to order blood and be ready, but I recovered.
Everything is fine, Baby is happy and content. My daughters love their brother and are big helps. The animals are being pains, but everyone is doing good.
Oh.... My downstairs bathroom had an Ant Infestation.... GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any advice or tricks to rid them FOREVER, please share. I have a horrible fear of them and end up freaking out and not being able to sleep or eat. It's horrible.
Mazal Tov!!!
Glad your little bundle of joy arrived safe and well.
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