Wow, I have not BLogged in like FOREVER. lol. Well I am still here, Still finishing up school, Still pregnant.
The Pregnancy is going very well, after First trimester morning sickness and general "I'm dying" moments, I've adjusted very well. It's gonna be a BOY. So far he is looking to be a healthy baby boy and he's a "Big Boy".... Let's just say Daddy is abit jealous, but proud. LOL. Our daughters are excited to be big sisters and have a brother. They talk about him all the time.
School is going great and I am not planning on missing any school once baby is born, He's due in November. That is right around the final preps and everything, but my butt will be in class unless I am in the Hospital. That is the game plan and I am sticking to it.
Now about hiding in the closet.... Polygamy is generally not accepted. I wish it was otherwise, but it's not. I'm all for being open and shouting from the roof tops and screaming my love for my wife and husband, but we have children involved, so we can't be open about it. We have careers and children to worry about, so for those reasons and those reasons only, our second wife must appear to be a friend or roommate to the public. We find some women who understand and agree that it's for the best, but they never work out for other reasons, but then we find women who say we are living a lie and they refuse to be a dirty secret. They say we shouldn't worry about our children safety and if the state is cruel enough to step in and take them away from us for being polygamist, then too bad.... SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?! These women obvious are selfish and have no business in my home and marriage. When ever we run into these types or women, I make it a point to tell them they are being selfish and not welcome in my world.
I don't care if my kids are adults, I will always worry about their safety, because I am their mother and it is my duty to worry and fuss over them. And when they have kids, I will always have their kids safety as my number one priority and so on. it's like Love, you'll always love your kids no matter what they do, you might not like their choices in life or whatever, but you'll always Love them. Love the person, not the choice. Yes, even if one of my kids turned out to be a murderous villain (Although, I have faith that I am raising my kids to be good upright individuals), I would still love them and they would be lucky they are in prison, cause Momma can dish out the justice just as bad.
In other news.... we are still struggling with our 3 year old's speech delays....(She'll be 4 in December). None of the speech therapy programs will take her, cause she is too old and not mentally disabled. She can understand very complex directions, even directions that an average 6 year old has problems understanding. She can comprehend, problem solve, and all the other junk. It's just... She can't talk very well. She has no physical disability either that would cause the speech delay. It's like she doesn't want to talk, but then she gets upset when she can't get her point across or if you repeatedly ask her to repeat what she said. She tries hard and we work with her alot. I think that maybe she just talks too fast, maybe she is like a speed talker and that's why it sounds like babble and mumble....
Anyways... I got to go, Got to feed the cats and the dog and get the kids in bed. YAY. PLUS I got lots of Homework to tackle before Wednesday. EEP
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