Yep, My happy butt is pregnant. :)
We are of course hoping for a boy, but mostly just a healthy baby. Why is it that when you mention what gender you are hoping for, people think if it's the other gender you'll hate it and kick it to the curb? Seriously people, Just cause we hope for a boy, doesn't mean we'll hate it if we get a girl. Hell, we already have a girls name picked out just in case. We hoped that our second was a boy, turned out to be a girl and she is spoiled beyond my imagination. Big time daddy girl and could get away with murder. Our first is spoiled, but is very independent.
So I'm pregnant and to be honest, this time it's completely different. The first two times the pregnancies were very similar, no morning sickness, mild cravings, mild aches and pains. This time I am constantly sick all day, missed classes cause I spent the time in the bathroom. Crave lots of stuff, Even did Pickles and Mint Ice Cream one day. lol. Also tons of aches and pains. EVERYTHING HURTS!!!! The only things that are similar this time is my anemia (Which I have without being pregnant, lol), Constantly Sleepy, Mood Swings, and rapidly showing baby bump. Seriously I had a baby bump at two months with my first, then with my second it was like one month, and this time I had a bump and didn't realize I was pregnant. LOL. I asked my Doctor why I showed so fast my first time and he said it was cause of my tiny frame.
So there you go. I'm pregnant.
Congrats!!! I m up late with one of my new girls and it is so wonderful and I know you will love your baby as much as I love my girls! Congrats!
Mazal Tov!!!!!
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