Thursday, January 28, 2010

Vegas Drama and MIL is a BITCH

Ok So Vegas was awesome, as always. lol. We took the kids around Monday and let them see the lights and everything. They loved it.

Tuesday, we took the kids to Circus Circus and spent alot of time there. MIL and FIL were suppose to take the kids after Dinner and watch them all night. Turns out they didn't take them til 10pm, caused they basically followed us til then. So Hubby and I were out, drinking and having a good time, MIL calls and says our daughter has a runny nose, Ok thats Nice, She will be fine. Then every hour, they are calling saying one of our daughters is crying and wants Dada. Our daughters only cry Dada when they want attention. If they are sick or scared, they cry Mama. Hubby told MIL that and she said we were wrong. SO at 1am we end back and go into there room and SURPRISE, they are both asleep (In the same spots and basic positions that I left them in). I grab the girls and take them to our room and MIL gets alot of attitude from me. Hubby and BIL say it's cause MIL wanted to be alone with FIL. I'm beyond piss at her, cause Hubby and I were both drunk and being drunk and taking care of two toddlers isn't a very good idea. Hubby says thats the last time we EVER take MIL anywhere and she can go fuck herself.

After we got the girls back to sleep, Hubby decides to go back down and Gamble. He said it would only be about half an hour..... Around 5am Hubby comes back, after not answering his phone since 3am. He left around 130am also, just for the record.

So Hubby is in Doghouse and MIL is on my list. UGH

Wednesday we got home and I did the laundry and cleaned our apartment.

Now it's Thursday and I need to do more packing, cause we move to our house on the 8th. and we aren't packed at all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think I'd have anything more to do with her to be honest. If she's playing head games like that with you, what the heck is she doing when she's alone with the kids?

Good luck with the packing!