Friday, October 23, 2009

Reading other Poly BLogs and such

Ok, so I don't judge a book by its cover and I enjoy reading all the other Poly BLogs I come across, Yeah maybe some of the ways they do things aren't how I would like.

Example: Like with Megan's Poly BLog and how she had to decide to marry her husband before she really loved him. I didn't understand and I didn't agree with it, But she explained it after I asked and I can see how it works for her family, Doesn't mean I have to agree with it or practice it myself, but I do respect Megan and say "It's her family, It's how things are in her family, It works for them." And leave it at that.

I ran across Honey Dawn's BLog.... and I'm trying my hardest to understand her family.... BUT OMFG.... What the hell.... My jaw dropped when I read that a 3 year old in her family fell into a campfire and they basically said she deserved it cause she knew the rules.... WHAT THE HELL? Then there was no mention of getting that baby medical attention, all they did was use band-aids on her burnt hands.... WHAT? As a mother and a Nurse, I am OUTRAGED..... That poor Baby.... Those are the kind of people that need to get CPS and the Government called on them. Then the way how her husband disrespects his other wives and babies her and gives her all this attention and extra nights. Her poor sister wives.... What an ass of a husband. I swear if my husband did that shit, I'd kick his ass and then take my poor mistreated sisterwives and max out hubby's credit cards. *snicker* Also she is such a poor ass of an excuse for a sisterwife. During the camping trip, she wanted Privacy and to be away from the family. WHAT! It was a family camping trip and she should of set her tent up with everyone elses and be apart of the family. She had her own tent and didn't need to share it. Then she complains that her sisterwives hate her and are mean to her, Hell I'd be mean to her too. She isn't a team player or being fair to her other sisterwives. She complains the kids don't listen to her, Maybe because to them she isn't apart of the family, cause she doesn't make the effort to be apart of it. Instead she alienates herself from them. She also says that "Aryan" means cute and stuff. OMFG, It does not.... Seriously look it up and understand its meaning. People like her and her family give good loving poly families a bad name. I think her BLog and family is all in her head and its just for laughs. GOD, for the sake of that 3 year old I hope so.

I'm still so pissed about that 3 year old..... GOD.... I can't even work on my Psy Paper.... GRRRRRR.

Anyways.... I just had to rant. I try hard not to judge and I usually don't, but FUCK..... I cracked on Honey Dawn..... UGH..



SteadFastLove said...

I'd crack too. I am outraged!

Fallen Star said...

Steady, have you read her BLog too?

Future First Wife said...

I don't think it's real. I think it's a troll. Though, if it were real, that shit gets my dander up and predominantly disgusts me. However, some of the stuff written seems almost tongue-in-cheek. It makes me wonder if it's a parody. Someone's terribly misinformed idea about Polygamy parody, but a parody, nonetheless.

Either way, fuck that person. Damn troll.

Natja's Natterings said...

It is a satirical blog, she is taking the p out of compound Polygamists!!!

Honestly, sometimes I worry about you ladies!!!


MeganC said...

So yeah it is a little hard to marry someone before you love him but it does work out okay for some of us. I will admit it did not work out for Macy so it isn't perfect but then non-poly marriages fail a lot too.
And I cannot imagine a mother not taking it seriously if her baby fell into a fire!!! WTH is with that????