Sunday, November 1, 2009

HALLOWEEN and the joys of MotherHood

Halloween was a blast, except my oldest daughter (3 in December) got a few too many treats in her belly instead of food (Thanks daddy) and has now been vomiting. Poor baby. So here I am sitting up with her and cleaning up vomit and holding her. Poor thing. Daddy is away at work, luck him. My other daughter (Just turned 1 in June) LOVED the trick or treating, she had a blast and is so happy to have a bucket of candy. lol.

I have to do laundry in the morning, after daddy gets home. To do our laundry I have to load the baskets up and walk around the complex and to the laundry room. YAY ME. LOL. I have a whole load of vomit clothes and blankets to do now. JOY.

I love being a mommy and its nights like this where my daughter is sick and just needing me to hold her that I close my eyes and thank whatever Higher power there is, for letting me have this.

Even though I smell like vomit and am so tired and just want to sleep (or eat all the candy, lol) I would not trade being a mommy for anything in the world.

I'm gonna go lay on the couch and watch cartoons with my daughter now and hope she doesn't vomit on me again, It's so hard to get vomit out of your hair. LOL

Happy Halloween Peeps

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