Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy New Year

Yeah Yeah, I am so late with my New Years Wishes, but better late then never.

ANYWAYS. The house we original had was taking way too long in Escrow and we found another house, Bigger and better, that we fell in love with. So canceled the other escrow and started a new one and we are set to be in our home by Valentines Day. YAY. I might post picture if I remember too.

School starts up on the 8th of Feb. and I am so NOT ready. *sigh* I have to get atleast one B and the rest Cs to maintain my GPA and be ok.

My daughters are doing fine, getting bigger everyday. My oldest seems to have Potty Training down (except for bedtime and naps). My youngest is showing an interest in Potty Training so we are gonna start her when we move. I'm abit worried about the vocabulary of my oldest. She just turned 3 in December and she can say about 15 to 20 words clearly. She can say about 3 to 4 word sentences. Her doctor says she is fine and just shy, but seriously.... Everywhere I have looked or read says she should be saying atleast 100 to 300 words.... I'm worried, but no one seems to take me seriously. *sigh* We think she is lacking cause she spent most her early years in the care of my MIL who speaks Spanish and barely any english (Mostly broken english). When my oldest does talk it often reminds us of how MIL tries to talk english. My youngest is picking up new words everyday and building her vocabulary strong. Of course my youngest has spent everyday with me or Hubby since she was born. Any ideas?

Our search contiunes, it's like a broken record.... *sigh* Of course on the upside my best friend has shown an interest in being our second, she's just not sure how to break up with her GF and move here to be with us. She's just shy, like me. LOL

Well, Umm I guess that is all for now....


PS: Where the heck is Future First Wife? She hasn't updated or stalked me in awhile.... I feel abandoned. *cry*

PSS: I will not comment on the whole Megan mess or anything. I will say I hate that she has deleted her BLog.... *sigh*


Keeping Sweet said...

What happened to Megan's Polyblog?
It seems that it was removed, maybe due to the copyright violation from stealing someone's ultrasound ?

Helene said...

I don't think that "copyright violation" exactly explains the problem. I think it was the reaction from her readers that stunned her.

A spoof blog has already been put up about her, and here it is:

Personally, I think she just undertook an action that she did not think through very well. We all make mistakes, and I would have liked to hear her side of the story, even if it was "I did it because I felt like it."

If Megan had been willing to answer the questions put to her honestly, instead of taking down her blog, I don't think this spoof blog would have materialized.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry as well to see that Megan took down her blog, but I think alot of it has to do with people being so closed minded about life in general and making cruel remarks that are undeserved. I'd have caved and taken it down as well.

Excellent news on the house!

Hopefully your best friend will figure out a way to end her current relationship. It sounds as if she is not all that happy in it, especially if she is wanting to be your second. I hope she finds the courage and strength to follow what's in her heart. Sometimes, whatever it takes to get something great means we have to do something pretty uncomfortable. It will all work out for the best at the right time.

Your turkey dinner sounds delish!

Amy said...


Is there a trick to accessing that spoof blog? My search of that url came up with no matches.


Keeping Sweet said...

to Amy :
Here is the link to the spoof blog.
Some of the comments there, particularly those made by a doctor, are very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I was on my way out the door to work when I read the spoof blog. Now, I am wondering if it's not the opposite.

Either way, I am finding myself really disappointed, especially after looking at the site that had posted the original ultrasound.

I don't know what to think anymore. :^(

Helene said...

Live, Laugh, Love,
I don't understand your post. Can you be more specific?

Amy Bishop,
I didn't answer your query, as I saw that Keeping Sweet got you the correct info. I should have posted that url more carefully. Anyway, hope you found it OK.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Helene-

After reading the so-called "spoof" blog and reading the blog where the ultrasound photo actually came from, it really made me wonder if Megan's blog was fake from the start.

I really would hate to think that though. The blog seemed genuine and I enjoyed following it.

I just find myself disappointed in people. There's no need for any of it. There is no need to be fake. There is no need to be cruel or even close minded towards people and their beliefs. There is no purpose to it other than to make that person feel like garbage.

Also, to be so against something just shuts a person off from a whole new world. I guess I am just to open about my life and I want to learn about others because I find it fascinating. I've also made some pretty cool and amazing friends because I chose to keep an open mind.

Even if Megan is real and the blog was legit, there were so many cruel close minded remarks from the same trolls that I would have done the same thing. I really wish there were some better explanation to all of it. I wonder if Megan still has her TMI blog and has if anyone has conversed with her?

Natja's Natterings said...

Just one thing, the TMI blog was also removed.

Bearing in mind that Heather is not commenting on the Megan thing perhaps it would be better to take the speculating to the spoof blog, it really serves very little purpose otherwise.

Hey Heather, also missing the witty repartee with FFW.


Fallen Star said...

Thanks Natja.

I feel like I should delete the comments, but I feel that to be rude.

Also I was a member of Megan's TMI BLog and as Natja has said, it was removed as well.

Helene said...

LLL: I agree with everything you said.
FS: I'll end the comments on this topic with this comment, since I gather from your response to Natja that you would prefer.

Deorccwen said...

Heather, I have a couple of ideas about your daughter's apparent speech delay, but please bear in mind that I am not an expert.

Is it possible that your MIL spoke to her mostly in Spanish? If so, she may have some Spanish words which you are overlooking, which would add to the total number of words she knows. You can test this by having someone speak to her in Spanish, e.g. to ask her to do something. Even if she doesn't answer in Spanish, if she does what she was asked to do, then she understands some Spanish (kids always understand more language than they can speak).

If this is the case, it is worth bearing in mind that children who are raised bilingual often do not learn either language quite as fast as those who are raised speaking only one language, so you wouldn't expect her to have the average amount of words of a monolingual child her age. On the other hand, they do eventually catch up, and then they have the advantage of being naturally bi-lingual, so you might want to keep up both languages.

Whether she is bilingual or not, there are things you can do from very early on to help a child who seems to have language delay (2 of mine have). Even if it is just that she has not been exposed to language as much as other children her age, these steps will help.

Talking to her as much as possible will help. If she seems to have difficulty understanding you, as well as difficulty speaking, scale back what you say to the fewest key-words you can think of. E.g. Instead of saying: 'Do you want to watch TV?' you might say: 'TV? TV on?' while pointing at the TV. (If she doesn't understand pointing, then you can touch the TV to make your meaning clear, but definitely tell your doctor if she does not point or understand pointing at age 3.) Then gradually build up the language from there. If she is a bit further along than that, then begin at a point where she can understand and move on slowly when you are sure she really does get it.

When you are with her, name everything she touches or plays with, and everything you touch or pick up, so that she knows what it is called. Name what she is doing, and also what her sibling is doing, so that she learns verbs (e.g. 'C is running'). Name emotions, too: e.g. 'C is sad. Look, she is crying!' Touch and name the tears.

Reading really simple books together also helps. Baby books with just pictures of household objects can be very useful for learning nouns. Watching TV with her and describing what the characters are doing is helpful for learning verbs.

Try not to worry too much. She IS speaking, if only a few words, so she WILL eventually learn to speak well enough to communicate with people around her. She may not learn it at the same rate as other children, but she has a whole lifetime in which to improve. Of course, anything you can do to help her now will bring her benefits, especially when she starts school, as she will be better able to learn if she can understand the teacher, but she will get there eventually.

Fallen Star said...

Deorccwen, Thank you so much for your advice. My daughter does understand everything we tell her to do, in English and Spanish. She understands everything and can get her own point across by pointing. Hubby seems to think that she will speak when she is ready.

Thank you again for your advice.