Tuesday, November 17, 2009

School Stress and Other Drama *LOL*


I hate school right now. UGH. So I'm failing Chemistry, I'll try and take it during the Summer, cause SURPRISE It's all filled up already for Spring. My two other classes I need are already filled up as well. SURPRISE. Damn budget cuts and over crowding crap. UGH. I'm seriously pissed, Half the people who get the first picks are on the sport teams and usually dropped the class after they get their money. UGH.... UGH.... Seriously, I'm so sick of it. It's horrible that people like me, that need these classes and actually go to the class and struggle to study and pass, can't get them and instead have to try and crash them, which usually only 1 out of 20 students crashing gets the class. I'd have to be lined up hours before the class starts to try and crash it and I can't do that cause I have two classes within those two hours before the class I need. UGH.

I really hate it. Now it's gonna put me behind even more. :(

In Other NEWS:

My brother in Law is a great guy and super uncle/godfather to my daughters. He's the greatest gay guy I have ever met and I love them tons in a sisterly way. ANYWAYS, He can never really hold a steady job and he is always in financial woes.... He lives at home with his parents, after about 30 failed attempts to leave on his own or with roommates. He can't budget his money and has no sense of responsibility. His parents pay his bills and he owes alot. He is always borrowing money from us and well we try too, but can't say no. He owes us currently over $25,000. We'll never see it and thats ok. But Hubby and I have decided that if he wants to continue to borrow money, he becomes our bitch. LOL. Ok, So I mean Bitch as in BabySitter on call. LOL. So he recently (Last Night) borrowed 85$ from us, He has to watch our girls 5 times for us. No limit on Hours and only day that is off limits is Thursday (cause he has school). So this weekend we are going out to either see 2012 or go to the dollar movies and see Inglorious Bastards. Then to Chili's and maybe a shopping trip. YAY.

GREAT GRANDMA IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, So it's along story and it's alot of drama, but my Great Grandma had disappeared from us. We couldn't find her, we thought she was dead. :( Well my Grandma called last nite and SURPRISE, she found her online and called the number and BOOM. She is ALIVE. YAY. Ok to explain abit, Great Grandma married my Grandma's Dad a few years before I was born. They had no kids together, but Since I was born she has been my Great Grandma. Great Grandpa died when I was in 3rd grade. Things got a bit strained with her, cause her children kinda cut her off from us, guess they felt since the link died, She was no longer ours. Well She was extremely close with me and my uncle who is only 5 years older then me. We stayed in touch with letters and some calls, We visited before I left for the Military. When I was pregnant with my oldest (3 years ago) we tried to find her and she was gone.... The old family house was sold and she was suppose to be in a nursing home, but the home had no record of her.... So we figured she had died and her children didn't care to tell us. :( But Grandma found her online, just cause she was curious to see if their was an obituary or something. Instead she found an address and phone number, YAY. We are planning a road trip to travel to Paso Robles to see her and let her meet her Great Great Granddaughters. YAY.

I'm excited and so happy she is alive. YAY.

I'm wrapping this up now to study.

Hoping it snows this year, This desert could use some White. :)


Future First Wife said...

I agree.



Natja's Natterings said...

Cool!!!! Mostly good news but I am sorry to hear about Chemistry. I too failed Chemistry 101 and felt really disappointed in myself BUT you can't be good at everything, just be pleased at what you ARE good at!