Thursday, October 8, 2009

STOLEN...... I mean Borrowed from Future First Wife. HEHEHE

1. When you walk in your front door, which room do you enter?
The living room, DUH.

2. Do you have a dishwasher?
Nope and I don't like them. If I have one it will only be used after Birthday dinners, ThanksGiving, and Christmas.

3. Is your loungeroom carpeted or does it have floorboards?
Carpet and I hate it. I like Wooden floors.

4. Do you keep your kitchen knives on the bench or in a drawer?
On my counter, My daughters know how to get into the drawers.

5. House, apartment or unit?
Apartment, Currently house shopping.

6. How many bedrooms is it?

7. Gas stove or electric?

8. Do you have a yard?
Not really.

9. What size TV is in the loungeroom?
*cough* a 52 Inch Flat Screen LCD.... It's my Hubbys baby. LOL.

10. Are your plates in the same cupboard as your cups?
Yes, I have limited Cupboards.

11. Is there a coffee maker sitting on your kitchen bench?

12. What size is your bed?
We got a Queen and Hubby wants a California King, cause he is a bed hog.

13. What room is your computer in?
Living Room, but its a LapTop so it can go anywhere.

14. Are there pictures hanging in your loungeroom?
I think Loungeroom is Living Room. Yes, Pictures of my daughters.

15. Are there any themes found in your home?
Kids. LOL.

16. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?
Umm Purex, its the only kind that doesn't cause the girls and me to break out.

17. Do you use dryer sheets?
Sometimes, Usually in the Winter.

18. Do you have any curtains in your home?
Only in the Bedroom to keep the sun out. The kids room has Blinds and a simple window treatment that I made.

19. What colour is your fridge?
White and covered with Kid drawings.

20. Is your house clean?
I am a Cleaning Freak, So it is clean as clean can be.

21. What room is the most neglected?
The kids room. LOL. HEY they are kids and I let them make their mess, they are the ones that have to deal with it.

22. Are the dishes in your sink/dishwasher clean or dirty?
I clean the dishes before they hit the sink, I am that clean of a freak.

23. How long have you lived in your home?
One year and counting.

24. Where did you live before?
An Apartment for two years. LOL.

25. Do you have one of those fluffy toilet lid covers on your toilet?

26. Do you have a scale anywhere in your home?
Yes, cause we are dieting at the moment and need to keep track of the girls weight as it is.

27. How many mirrors are in your house?
Umm 6. Two in the Bathroom and each bedroom has two mirrors on the closet doors.

28. Look up. What do you see?
A white ceiling.

29. Do you have a garage?
Yes, It's across the complex parking lot.

30. How many people live in your house?
Hubby, ME, Two Kids, a Fishy, Two Turtles, and MANY MANY Dolls and Toys. LOL


Future First Wife said...

Secondary theft! *gasp!*

Also- I know very, very few houses where the front door *doesn't* open on the front room.

Pah. Loungeroom. *eye roll*

Fallen Star said...

Loungeroom makes me think of a Vegas nightclub.... *ponders* Yeah a Vegas NightClub from like the 60s.