Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sick, School, Snot?

Yes still sick.... GRRRR. It seems to be a sinusitis infection. Last one I had completely kicked my butt a few years ago. Hubby laughed at my misfortune, cause he's all better..... No seriously, He laughs, but he babies me and snuggles me and gives me soup and everything.

OMG...... I'm failing Chemistry...... *cry* I have a D currently in the class.... I failed my MidTerm..... I'm gonna cry..... Hopefully I can bring my D up to a C, so I can pass the class. I'm trying extra hard now. *cross fingers* I have figured out what classes to take for next semester, Spring. I'm gonna take my last Math class and Human Anatomy and then two kick back classes (I'm told they are easy) Communications and then Sociology online. In the Human Anatomy class I have to dissect a kitty..... And then as a class we dissect a Human cadaver.... EEP. What does a Kitty have to do with Human Anatomy? lol, I know so no need to answer, but think about it. lol.

If anyone is a Chemistry master, then PLEASE let me borrow your brain for abit, I promise to give it back clean and unbroken.

My two year's new name for her sister and for a diaper. YAY the joys of toddlers and new words and names for things. Daddy becomes Mama and Grandma becomes Baba. Lucky for me I am still Momma. YAY.

Pumpkin Pie and Halloween Ghost


SteadFastLove said...

Are you feeling better?

Fallen Star said...

Oh Yes I am feeling better. Thank you for asking. :)